Home > SREC Markets > Pennsylvania
A variety of federal and state incentives, including SRECs, led to a substantial build-out of solar in the state. And until 2017, Pennsylvania allowed systems located outside of the state to register for and participate in the PA SREC market, further impacting supply. However, in 2017, Pennsylvania passed Act No. 40, which restricted geographical eligibility for the PA SREC market to Pennsylvania-sited solar photovoltaic systems effective October 30, 2017. The law may also impact out-of-state systems which were certified prior to the rule change. The Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission will be reviewing the Act and issuing an Order regarding eligibility in the program in the coming months.
For a period of time before January 2011, PA-sited systems were eligible to apply to the DC SREC market; today, PA-sited systems are only eligible for PA and OH.
Markets for PA Systems
Tracking Registry
Energy Year
Eligible System Locations
All solar systems interconnected in PJM territory are eligible for the PA Tier 1 REC market.
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Reaching 0.5% of total electricity generated in 2021.
Facilities less than 15 kW DC capacity, interconnected prior to May 18, 2017, that did not receive funding from the PA Sunshine program, and do not have a Revenue Grade Meter may be eligible to produce SRECs from estimated generation based on PV Watts estimates. A facility must use actual, metered production if the facility is equal to or greater than 15kW, has a revenue-grade PV meter installed, or if the facility is composed of adjustable tilt PV modules or laminate PV modules, or if the facility was interconnected on or after May 18, 2017. In addition, estimates are not allowed if the facility already has metered generation processed by PJM-GATS, as stated in the GATS Operating Rules, Section 6.3.3 Section d.
The eligibility start date of a system is based on the month of application to the PennAEPS. Facilities on estimates will earn credit beginning with the first full month following application submission to the PennAEPS.
The PA SACP is 200% of the average SREC (solar AEC) price paid by power providers in that year. The Solar Alternative Compliance Payment (SACP) is the penalty price that electricity suppliers must pay per SREC if they fail to file the required number of SRECs by the end of each compliance period.
PA SRECs have a 3 year useful life (i.e., a 2016 SREC (solar AEC) can be counted towards either the 2016, 2017 or 2018 compliance periods).
PA SREC market requirements as currently set by state legislation:
Energy Year | % Solar Requirement | SACP |
2010 | 0.0120% | $654.37 |
2011 | 0.0203% | $495.81 |
2012 | 0.0325% | $360.79 |
2013 | 0.0510% | $218.47 |
2014 | 0.0840% | $188.79 |
2015 | 0.1440% | $157.25 |
2016 | 0.2500% | $124.14 |
2017 | 0.2933% | $110.44 |
2018 | 0.3400% | $62.62 |
2019 | 0.3900% | $63.16 |
2020 | 0.4433% | $74.00 |
2021 | 0.5000% | TBD |
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