The PJM Interconnection is a regional transmission organization. It serves to connect the electricity produced by the various utilities across a region. In several states, the Renewable Portfolio Standard legislation lets utilities count renewable electricity produced within the PJM region towards meeting the state’s renewable goals.
In Pennsylvania, for example, a resident within the PJM region can apply for certification in the Pennsylvania SREC program. If your system is convered in this map, you can sell SRECs to PA!
Washington, DC is similar to Pennsylvania in that both allow SRECs from anywhere within the PJM region, however DC will also qualify facilities that are eligible to deliver their electricity into the region. This may include facilities in states that are adjacent to the PJM region such as New York or Wisconsin.
Ohio is another state that allows SRECs from out of state. In that specific case, the utilities are limited to buying 50% from out of state and only from states within the region that are contiguous: Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Michigan and Indiana.
Washington, DC is similar to Pennsylvania in that both allow SRECs from anywhere within the PJM region, however DC will also qualify facilities that are eligible to deliver their electricity into the region.
For these reasons, it is important to know what constitutes the PJM region to determine whether or not you qualify. Here is a map of the region, along with the retail electricity companies who are served by PJM.