February 2013 SREC Auction Results

Posted February 21st, 2013 by SRECTrade.

SRECTrade’s February 2013 SREC Auction closed on 2/1/13. Below are the clearing prices by vintage across the markets covered in the auction.

February SREC Prices SREC Vintage Year
State 2011 2012 2013*
Maryland $140.00
Massachusetts $206.12
New Jersey $95.00 $110.00
Ohio In-State $40.00
Ohio Out-of-State $9.00
Pennsylvania $10.00
Washington, DC $366.13 $370.00

*Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania operate on a June-May energy year. For example, current vintage SRECs are generated beginning in June of 2012.
Green text represents a price increase over the last auction clearing price for that vintage, red text represents a decrease.
“-” reflects no sale, which would result if there were no SRECs available for sale in that vintage or there were no matching bids and offers to determine a clearing price.

For detailed analysis of SREC market prices and trends please subscribe to the SREC Market Monitor, a joint publication of Greentech Media’s GTM Research and SRECTrade.

State Market Observations:

Delaware: No DE SRECs transacted in the February auction.  Most demand for DE SRECs will be through the DE SEU SREC Procurement Program solicitations. For the latest information on the upcoming 2013 solicitation click here: 2013 DE Program Announcement.

Maryland: MD2012 SRECs have consistently transacted at $140/SREC over the past 3 auction periods. As Q1 2013 comes to a close any compliance entities needing MD12 SRECs will be wrapping up their purchases. It is expected that the market will  experience a small amount of oversupply for the 2012 compliance period.

Massachusetts: MA2012 SRECs traded at $206.12/SREC. SREC issuance volumes in Q1-Q3 2012 and October – December 2012 MWhs reported to the MA CEC demonstrate that 2012’s requirements have been met. The next SREC issuance for Q4 2012 generation will fall on April 15, 2013. The 2012 market will be oversupplied by approximately 50% of this year’s compliance obligation.

New Jersey: NJ2012 and NJ2013 SRECs traded up to $95 and $110/SREC, respectively. The NJ Office of Clean Energy announced total installed capacity through January 2013 was estimated to be 973.4 MW, a monthly increase of approximately 17.4 MW. Monthly install rates continue to surpass RPS requirements.

Ohio: OH2012 Sited SRECs increased to $40/SREC and OH2012 Adjacent SRECs traded at $9/SREC. Both markets are oversupplied. Most demand for OH Sited SRECs has been fulfilled through long term agreements with large utility scale projects or through long term RFPs with the state’s regulated utilities. 2012 compliance obligations are currently being finalized.

Pennsylvania: PA2013 SRECs traded at $10/SREC, $2/SREC less than the January 2013 auction. SREC oversupply continues to impact PA’s market. 

Washington, DC: The 2010, 2011, and 2012 vintages increased to $330, $366.13, and $370/SREC, respectively. Increases in price may continue as the 2012 and 2013 markets are under supplied.

For historical auction pricing please see this link. The next SRECTrade auction closes on Thursday, February 28th at 5 p.m. ET and will cover PJM and MA Solar RECs. The next auction will be the first in which 2013 vintage SRECs will be available in Maryland, Ohio, and Washington, DC. Click here to sign in and place an order.

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