SRECTrade to offer long-term SREC contracts in New Jersey

Posted September 8th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

As the New Jersey market grows, the need to secure streams of SRECs over the course of the next few years is becoming increasingly important. We are often approached about long-term contracts by sellers interested in securing a fixed price. In the past, this option was not appealing because it lacked the flexibility that the spot market provided when SREC values soared. The spot market on SRECTrade has provided a valuable resource for selling SRECs on the short-term, however, we are now looking forward to providing an additional option for all sellers on SRECTrade.

The ultimate goal with this offering is to provide options. We are working with buyers to offer different contracts at fair prices, right next to same spot market that many flocked to in order to avoid unfair long-term contracts. We hope the existence of options and choice will ultimately create a vibrant market for SRECs at SRECTrade.

If you are interested in the long-term SREC contracts, please feel free to email us at

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