Archive for the ‘Washington, DC’ Category

DC SREC State Certification Instructions

Posted November 4th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

For EasyREC customers:
If you have signed up for the EasyREC service, we will do the DC State Certification on your behalf.  Please complete our EasyREC registration forms to get started. Please fax the forms to SRECTrade at (732) 453-0065.

To learn more about EasyREC go to:

Eligibility for SREC certification in DC:
DC allows systems from states in the PJM region and those that are adjacent to the region and capable of supplying electricity into the region. Solar systems in the following states have been approved for the DC SREC market (find out more here):

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
West Virginia

Registration Process for NON-EasyREC customers:
The DC registration process requires an original and notarized application mailed directly to the DC Public Service Commission.  If you would like to register your system in DC, please follow these guidelines to complete the appropriate forms:

For Non-EasyREC customers:
If you currently have a facility certified in another state (ie. MD, DE, NJ, or PA), download and complete this form.
If you do not have a facility certified in another state (ie. DC, VA, WV, TN, NC, KY) use this form.

Once you have completed the application and had the affidavit of general compliance notarized, mail the original to:

Dorothy Wideman
Commission Secretary
Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia
1333 H Street, N.W
2nd Floor West Tower
Washington, D.C. 20005

The DC registration process is currently taking approximately 10-12 weeks to complete.  Once approved, Washington DC will mail a letter to you with your facilities state certification number.

SRECTrade in Washington D.C.

Posted June 18th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

The District of Colombia’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) requires that 11 percent of the energy sold in the District must come from renewable sources by 2022. This standard includes a solar set-aside, requiring .4 percent of electricity to come from solar by 2020. Much like other states, electricity suppliers must make an alternative compliance payment (ACP) should they not meet each yearly requirement. In D.C., the ACP goes to the District’s Renewable Energy Development Fund.

Due to the area’s small size, the government has imposed fairly modest requirements for renewable energy provided by electricity suppliers, compared to those of neighboring states. However on a per capita basis, owners of photovoltaic solar systems in the D.C. area are equally well positioned to benefit from RPS requirements through federal incentives and the ability to sell self-generated SRECs. The government offers grants for installation of solar systems based on the size and capacity of the system, with a maximum receivable amount of $33,000. Once the system is installed and registered, owners can sell their SRECs to electricity suppliers in D.C., namely PEPCO, relative to the price dictated through supply and demand in the area.  SRECTrade hopes to be an integral part of matching that supply with demand through facilitating the sale of credits generated in D.C. with electricity suppliers in both D.C. as well as neighboring states.

Getting Started in D.C.

If you wish to generate and sell SRECs in D.C., you must first apply for certification as a Solar Renewable Energy Facility through the Washington D.C. Public Service Commission. Once your system is certified, you must register with the PJM-EIS Generation Attribute Tracking System (PJM-GATS), which serves as the renewable energy generation tracking system for Washington D.C. and several surrounding states. Generators interested in having SRECTrade manage their SRECs can simply sign up for our EasyBid service and send the forms to us. We’ll handle the rest. Find out more on our EasyBid page.

New State Auctions for SRECs

Posted June 18th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

SRECTrade Expands!
We are pleased to announced that SRECTrade will now be available for the rest of the PJM Regional Transmission Organization.  In addition to New Jersey, seven new markets have been added: DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia.  Over the next few weeks, we will be putting up information on the SREC Programs in these states.

Cross-listing your SRECs
While not every state has an RPS with a solar carve-out, homeowners may find themselves eligible to generate and sell their SRECs in other states.  We’ll be working out the details of what is eligible and where.  However, as far as our auctions go, it will be pretty simple.  If you want us to sell your SRECs in any eligible state, simply check the Cross-List option.  We will then include it in every state auction in which it would be eligible and it will only sell in the auction with the highest price.  If you do not want to Cross-List your SRECs and prefer to sell them in your home state, just uncheck this option and we’ll only include your listing in your home state’s auction.

Next Auction
Our next auction closes on July 10th.  If you have SRECs in any of the states listed above, we invite you to join us as we embark on this journey across the PJM region!