Archive for the ‘Maryland’ Category

Cross Listing Your SRECs

Posted January 3rd, 2010 by SRECTrade.

2011 Update: State certification information can be found here

One of the benefits of the SRECTrade multi-state auction platform is the ability to cross-list in multiple states in which you have registered your SRECs. If an SREC is cross-listed, it will be included in any state in which it has been registered to be sold.  SRECs will be sold in the state auction that offers the most value. In order to qualify to sell your SRECs in a state that accepts out-of-state SRECs, you need to get your system certified in that state. The following section has information on what states accept out-of-state SRECs and how to get your systems registered and obtain a state certification number. For EasyREC customers, SRECTrade can help you register in the states available to you.

SREC Markets by State

SREC State Registration Information:


To get a Delaware state certification number, your installation must be located in DE. You must apply to become an Eligible Energy Resource. The link for the application is here.  For more information, go to the Delaware Public Service Commission.

Delaware Public Service Commission
861 Silver Lake Boulevard
Cannon Building, Suite 100
Dover, DE 19904
Main: (302) 736-7500
Toll-Free: (800) 282-8574
Fax: (302) 739-4849

District of Columbia

Eligible to states within and adjacent to the PJM Region. For information on the DC registration process, see DC State Certification Instructions.

Dorothy Wideman
Commission Secretary
Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia
1333 H Street, N.W
2nd Floor West Tower
Washington, D.C. 20005


To register in Maryland, your solar installation must be in MD and you must complete and file an application for certification as a Solar Renewable Energy Facility (REF) with the Public Service Commission. The link to the application is here.  For more complete details on the process, see Maryland SREC Registration Details.

New Jersey

New Jersey is a closed market, therefore only SRECs produced in New Jersey are eligible. New Jersey residents can apply for state certification at the New Jersey Office of Clean Energy’s website.

New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program
c/o Conservation Services Group
75 Lincoln Highway, Suite 100
Iselin, New Jersey 08830
Phone: 866-NJSMART (866-657-6278)

North Carolina

North Carolina is still in the early stages of implementing an SREC program. The state is still accepting applications for a REC tracking system through December 15, 2009.  More information can be found on the North Carolina Utilities Commission website. A sample application can be found here.

Chief Clerk
North Carolina Utilities Commission
4325 Mail Services Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4325


Utilities in Ohio are allowed to procure 50% of the SRECs from out of state facilities. However, these states must be contiguous with Ohio (PA, MI, IN, KY, WV). Instructions and forms required for Ohio certification can be found here: Application for Certification as an Ohio Renewable Energy Resource Generating Facility

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
Toll-Free: (800) 686-PUCO (7826)
Phone: (614) 466-3292 (in Columbus area)
Fax: (614) 752-8351
180 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Directions to the PUCO


Utilities in Pennsylvania are allowed to buy out of state SRECs from solar generators in the PJM region to meet the Renewable Portfolio Standard. If you are interested in selling in PA, you need to get your solar system registered.  For a detailed explanation of the process with screenshots see our most recent post on Pennsylvania State Certification Registration Process.

Contact Info:
Dina M. Deana
Pennsylvania AEPS Program Manager
Clean Power Markets, Inc.
Phone: 1-877-AEPS-773 (1-877-237-7773)
Fax: (610) 444-9213

Maryland Renewable Portfolio Standard Solar Details

Posted November 10th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

Maryland RPS solar requirement and SREC information:

DC SREC Market Eligibility

Posted November 4th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

Solar owners in the following states can register and sell into the DC SREC market:

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
West Virginia

Check our DC State Eligibility post for more information. For detailed instructions on how to apply, go to the DC Certification Blog Post.

Maryland SREC Registration Details

Posted August 14th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

Here is some information we’ve collected from the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) on how the SREC registration process in Maryland works.

1. Install your solar system: Work with your installer to complete the system and connect the net meter to the grid.

2. Obtain a state certification number: Once your solar system is installed, you must submit an application for certification with the Maryland PSC. The application can be found here: Application for MD Certification Excel file. Instructions for certification can be found on the first tab of the application titled “Instructions” and the second tab “Solar REF Application” is to be completed and submitted via Maryland’s online portal. When the application is approved, you will get a state certification number that looks like: MD-70302-SUN-01.

3. Sign up for EasyREC with SRECTrade (within 30 days): On SRECTrade, you have two options, you can sign up for the EasyREC service and we’ll post your SRECs on the PSC website (a state requirement), register your system in GATS (Note: This must be done within 30 days of obtaining a state certification number), generate your SRECs, place them in auction and transfer them to buyers on your behalf, you do nothing more than set your minimum price and check your bank account for the direct deposits.

Alternatively, you can also do it yourself by posting the credits on the PSC website (see below), learning to navigate the GATS platform, generating your own credits and then placing them in the SRECTrade auction manually.  However, we created the EasyREC service to make this all as painless as possible!

About the state requirement to post your credits for sale on the PSC website: This requirement is unique to Maryland. All solar generators must make their SRECs available to the utilities to purchase in a 15-year contract. (Note: As of 8/2009, no utilities are purchasing SRECs in long term contracts because Maryland has offered no protection if the SREC program were to be dissolved).  To do this, either sign up for the EasyREC service and SRECTrade will do this for you, or go to the REC Supplier Registration page, create an account and list your SRECs for sale for a minimum of 5 days.

How long can your system generate SRECs?: Your Maryland solar system can generate SRECs for the life of the system. Unlike New Jersey, where a system can only generate SRECs for 15-years, there is no specific rule in the Maryland law that limits the length that your system is eligible.

What is the life of a single SREC?: SRECs in Maryland have a 3-year useful life. An SREC is good for the current energy year and the two following years.  If you do not sell your SREC now, you can still sell it next year or the year after. If a utility buys your SREC now, it can apply to this year’s requirement or any of the next two years.

Can I sell my Marlyand SRECs out-of-state?: Yes, you can sell into other states that will allow you to get your system certified. For most Maryland generators, Pennsylvania is a viable market.  See our cross-listing section for more details.

Can I sell SRECs from an out-of-state system into Maryland?: No, Maryland recently changed the RPS to close the state off to out-of-state generators. See more information on where else you may sell your SRECs in the cross-listing section.

August SREC auction commentary

Posted August 11th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

SRECTrade recently closed the August auction with a price of $680 for 2009 SRECs in New Jersey, as well as prices of $663 for 2010 NJ SRECs, $245 for Delaware, $300 for Pennsylvania and $308 for Maryland.

2009 NJ SRECs
This was a new high for the 2009 NJ SREC market which closes next month. If you still have 2009 SRECs available, your last chance to sell them will be in our September 11th auction. Get on it!

2010 NJ SRECs
The reason for a distinction between 2010 and 2009 NJ SRECs and their relative values was highlighted in an earlier posting we did on the new energy year. We were concerned that there might be a significant drop in the pricing as the new year started, but the $663 clearing price is extremely encouraging for several reasons.  First, the fact that prices remained above $600 indicates that the New Jersey market has stabilized. In previous years, legislative changes led to instability in pricing. Brokers and other intermediaries benefited from such instability. Today, with a better educated seller-base and buyers who have now been able to develop a strategy from the experience gained in recent years, perhaps we will see a more stable market.  Second, in previous years, sellers would have been incentivized to hold their SRECs until the end of the year to get the best price.  Considering that last August, our auction yielded a price of $461 and then later topped out at $680 for 2009, that strategy made sense.  However, given that the SACP has dropped to $693 for this year, $663 is actually a better price in 2010 than $680 was in 2009 relative to the SACP. We can only speculate how the New Jersey market will evolve through 2010, but it is definitely not the same market we saw in 2009. Since 2009 SRECs are only good in 2009, they held no value if the state solar requirement was achieved. In 2010, SRECs can be applied in both this year and 2011. This has two effects. First, sellers can hold onto their credits if they don’t like the price they get now. In addition if the solar requirement is met, SRECs will still hold value in the following year, so the market does not drop to zero. Finally, from a buyer’s perspective there are two approaches that can be taken. Either buy what you can now for as low a price as possible and then drive prices up at year end if you don’t complete your requirement, or start out with a high price and lower it as you get closer to achieving the requirement. In that latter scenario, what you might see is more volume early in the year as sellers are disincentivized to wait, and perhaps less of a scramble at the end. It still is way early to tell how the prices will hold over the next few months. From our perspective, we’re hoping to see stability for the benefit of sellers, buyers and anyone thinking about getting into solar. As this market matures, the easier it will be to make that decision to bet on the value of SRECs in New Jersey.

New state markets
The fluctuation from $375 to $308 in the Maryland market is a confirmation of the obvious: these are all still very immature markets. The Pennsylvania market should see an increase above the $300 price as more buyers get into the mix. When the 2009 SACP gets published in December, it will likely be even higher than the 2008 SACP of $528 that was published in December of 2008 for the 2008 energy year. Considering that it is tied to 200% of the average trading price in the PA and prices are only increasing, 2010 should be an even better year to sell SRECs to utilities that may be struggling to meet the growing solar requirement. The way the SACP is set in Pennsylvania further complicates an already complex market. Meanwhile, Delaware and Maryland have more stable markets, but face their own challenges. In Delaware, most of the solar requirement is applied to energy supplied by Delmarva Power. Therefore, they feel the most pressure to deliver solar energy in the state. With few buyers, it may be a difficult market for small generators to navigate, so many will turn to Pennsylvania and other markets where they could be eligible. Maryland, meanwhile has been trying to encourage long term contracts, but buyers have been reluctant to enter into any long term SREC programs because of their own uncertainty over the state of deregulation in the state. However, there is a lot of potential in the Maryland market. Both these states and many others may eventually turn to Pennsylvania to sell their SRECs into that market. Even this comes at a risk. Pennsylvania currently has two pieces of legislation being considered. First is the House Bill 80 which, as currently written, would change the law so that Pennsylvania would no longer accept out-of-state SRECs, unless captured in a existing contract.  In PA, there is also a senate version of the bill, SB92.  The senate has to pass their version and then reconcile with the house before the bill can be sent to the governor for approval.  In SB92, it states that 50% of SRECs must come from within PA.  The other 50% can come from outside of the commonwealth (from states like DE, MD, OH). Our take: The House Bill was presented by Vitali, Ross, George, and DePasquale, along with a host of other liberal Democrats.  The senate is 29/50 republican, while the house is democratic majority.  So far, in the house, the votes have split party line with republicans against.  The senate bill has yet to get out of first committee, and if the votes go anyway like they did in the house, the 29/50 republican block in the senate will shut the bill down.  Even if a bill does pass, it is possible that the 50% out-of-state clause will be included in the final version. We hope that if something like that is implemented that the government would at least grandfather in anyone who was registered and certified prior to the legislation. As we all know, since this is a form of subsidy for solar, we all remain at the mercy of the state governments.

Maryland Cross-Listing Update

Posted August 10th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

MD electricity suppliers must buy SRECs generated within the state of MD before purchasing from out of state. Systems located in other states should not count on cross-listing their SRECs for sale in MD. The only viable market for systems located in MD to cross-list their credits into is Pennsylvania, but the system must also be registered in PA.

Maryland Update

Posted July 13th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

The July 10th auction closes with a clearing price of $375 for 2009 credits! We are looking forward to the next auction on August 7th. The August auction will be primarily for 2010 credits, but parties interested in selling or buying any remaining 2009 credits may also participate.

Maryland system owners can also sell their credits to Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and North Carolina. Maryland prices look to be the highest as of now, but in future years we expect the highest prices to come from Pennsylvania as a result of the state’s future expected increase in SACP. For more information about cross-listing your SRECs, click here

SRECTrade Expands to Maryland

Posted June 18th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

SRECTrade is expanding into several other PJM Region states in July of 2009. As part of this expansion, we are utilizing this blog to help introduce our customers to the individual state SREC programs. Maryland’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) requires electric service providers to provide 20 percent of their sales in the state from renewable energy sources by 2022. There is a specific carve-out for solar-generated electricity, currently at .01% for 2009 and set to reach 2% by 2022. Much like other states, electricity suppliers must make an alternative compliance payment (ACP) into the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund should they not meet each yearly requirement.

Maryland is unique because the RPS mandates that electricity suppliers buying from individual solar owners must enter a 15-year contract for the sale of all the owner’s SRECs produced during that time. Due to uncertainty of the future, electricity suppliers have been disinclined to buy SRECs in this manner, and thus both sides have mutually used third parties (as allowed by law) as a means of transferring the credits between individuals and electricity suppliers. The SRECTrade auctions will serve as means to sell SRECs for sellers who are unable to lock into the 15-year contracts.

Meanwhile, Fred Ugast, an advocate for Maryland solar owners at U.S. Photovoltaics, has been working to secure 15-year contracts for their SRECs. He has familiarized us with the Maryland market and we are following his progress in this endeavor. According to Fred, there were 94 solar photovoltaic (PV) systems eligible to create SRECs in 2008, and 252 SRECs were created. This left estimated solar ACP payments at nearly one million dollars. The demand for SRECs in Maryland is approximately 5,000 in 2009, but supply is expected to increase at a faster rate over the next few years. SRECTrade hopes to be an integral part of matching that supply with demand in Maryland. Please check back as we learn more!

New State Auctions for SRECs

Posted June 18th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

SRECTrade Expands!
We are pleased to announced that SRECTrade will now be available for the rest of the PJM Regional Transmission Organization.  In addition to New Jersey, seven new markets have been added: DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia.  Over the next few weeks, we will be putting up information on the SREC Programs in these states.

Cross-listing your SRECs
While not every state has an RPS with a solar carve-out, homeowners may find themselves eligible to generate and sell their SRECs in other states.  We’ll be working out the details of what is eligible and where.  However, as far as our auctions go, it will be pretty simple.  If you want us to sell your SRECs in any eligible state, simply check the Cross-List option.  We will then include it in every state auction in which it would be eligible and it will only sell in the auction with the highest price.  If you do not want to Cross-List your SRECs and prefer to sell them in your home state, just uncheck this option and we’ll only include your listing in your home state’s auction.

Next Auction
Our next auction closes on July 10th.  If you have SRECs in any of the states listed above, we invite you to join us as we embark on this journey across the PJM region!