Archive for the ‘SREC Markets’ Category

MD to Accept In-state Solar Water Heating Systems for SREC Market

Posted May 27th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

Maryland recently passed legislation which will allow residential-scale in-state solar water heating systems (SWH) installed on or after June 1st 2011 to sell SRECs into the MD SREC market.  Eligible systems will, at a maximum, be able to produce 5 SRECs per year. The law does not go in to effect until January 1st 2012, so even if the system is installed now it will be another few months before they can monetize their SRECs. The bill states that eligible SWH systems are those that are not used solely for heating a pool or hot tub and are either metered by a device that meets the standards of the “International Organization of Legal Metrology” (OIML) or be OG-300 certified.

Another requirement is that the SWH collectors (the product that captures the sun’s heat) must be a “glazed liquid-type flat-plate or tubular solar collector by the OG-100 standard of the Solar Ratings and Certification Corporation (SRCC).”

Because SWH systems produce heat and not electricity, output is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs) and not kW-hrs. In order for these systems to produce SRECs equivalent to their PV-system counterparts, they must be certified and metered in a way that can allow for accurate measuring and unit conversions. By multiplying each BTU by a conversion factor of .000293, one can determine the kWh equivalent production from the system. As a point of reference, a single a 21 ft2 flat plate solar thermal collector located in Baltimore, MD that has a conversion efficiency of 60% may produce as many as 2 SRECs per year.  Conversion efficiencies and BTU output will vary depending on the type of SWH panel used.

NJ Backs Out of RGGI, Support Remains Strong For NJ SREC Market

Posted May 27th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

Yesterday Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey announced that he would be removing the state from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a 10-state program intended as a carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program intended to reduce the power sector’s emissions levels of the greenhouse gas 10% by 2018.

The move, according to Governor Christie, seeks to cut state budget costs by eliminating participation in a program that he deemed “a failure”.  The regional program, however, remains backed by the other Northeast states, and the consequences of the New Jersey withdraw to the RGGI market will most likely be nominal.

Most important for solar customers in New Jersey is to understand that Governor Christie’s decision is not connected to the state’s SREC program.  Participation in RGGI does not affect the state’s participation, goals, or support for the SREC market in NJ.  Please see our March post describing Christie’s previous endorsement of the SREC market.

SRECs coming to NY?

Posted May 23rd, 2011 by SRECTrade.

This year’s solar carve-out bill introduced in NY, S4178A-2011, is looking promising.  It was co-sponsored by 8 Republicans, and since the Republicans have only a small majority in the Senate and the Democrats have nearly a supermajority in the NY House, its a good sign, although it’s notoriously difficult to get a bill that even everyone agrees with through the NY legislature.  Gov. Cuomo ran on a strong solar platform so chances are high he will sign any bill that comes to him.  The bill itself is very promising, it starts out with a .33% requirement in 2012, which given the size of NY’s load would catapult them even with NJ in absolute terms for required solar build-out with about a 500,000 MWh requirement in 2012.  It allows the NY Public Service Commission (PSC) to set the alternate compliance (ACP) schedule, but it has a floor mechanism specified at $300 that is nearly identical to Massachusetts, so the ACP will have to be somewhat higher than that.  Overall this is a well-written bill that meets almost all the Effective SREC Market Design criteria outlined in our recent blog post.  As of May 18th it had been amended and recommitted to the Energy and Telecommunications Committee,  so there is plenty of time for those living in New York to contact their legislators regarding the bill.


Effective SREC Market Design

Posted May 13th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

The full text of this post by SRECTrade CEO Brad Bowery can be found on

Since 2004, several U.S. states have designed and implemented markets for Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs). These markets are intended to serve several purposes in supporting the growth of solar energy within the state. 2010 was a banner year for the SREC concept as solar growth in these 7 markets outpaced the rest of the U.S., turning the East Coast into a focal point for solar companies in California and across the world. No two SREC programs are the same and some markets will fair better than others. Understanding why some markets are successful while others faulter will become increasingly important as other states look to SRECs as the way to incentivize solar.

In 2007, SRECTrade conceived an online marketplace powered by competitive monthly auctions for SRECs. Since launching in New Jersey, the transaction platform has expanded to all 7 key SREC markets, adding Massachusetts, Maryland, Ohio, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC. Through the experience gained developing SREC markets and aggregation services, SRECTrade takes a look at the components of an effective SREC market, the challenges that they face and some recommendations for how to avoid some of the design flaws found in existing SREC programs.

Read the entire post at


Solar Capacity in the SREC States – April 2011

Posted May 4th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

SRECTrade SREC Markets Report: April 2011

The following post outlines the megawatts of solar capacity certified and/or registered to create SRECs in the SREC markets SRECTrade currently serves.


PJM Eligible Systems

As of the end of April, there were 14,598 solar PV (14,344) and solar thermal (254) systems registered and eligible to create SRECs in the PJM Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS) registry. Of these eligible systems, 52 (0.36%) have a nameplate capacity of 1 megawatt or greater, of which only 3 systems are greater than 5 MW. The largest system, currently located in Ohio, is 12 MW,  and the second largest, located in Chicago and eligible for the PA, DC, and MD markets, is 10 MW. The third largest system, located in NJ, is 5.6 MW.

Massachusetts DOER Qualified Projects

As of April 13, 2011, there were 524 MA DOER qualified solar projects; 467 operational and 57 not operational. Of these qualified systems, 11 (2.1%) have a nameplate capacity of 1 megawatt or greater, of which only 3 are between 1.5 and 2 MW. Three of the projects greater than 1 MW are currently operational.

Capacity Summary By State

The tables above demonstrate the capacity breakout by state. Note, that for all PJM GATS registered projects, each state includes all projects certified to sell into that state. State RPS programs that allow for systems sited in other states to participate have been broken up by systems sited in state and out of state. Additional detail has been provided to demonstrate the total capacity of systems only certified for one specific state market versus being certified for multiple state markets. For example, PA includes projects only certified to sell into the PA SREC market, broken out by in state and out of state systems, as well as projects that are also certified to sell into PA and Other State markets broken out by in state and out of state systems (i.e. OH, DC, MD, DE, NJ). PA Out of State includes systems sited in states with their own state SREC market (i.e. DE) as well as systems sited in states that have no SREC market (i.e. VA). Also, it is important to note that the Current Capacity represents the total megawatts eligible to produce and sell SRECs as of the noted date, while the Estimated Required Capacity – Current and Next Reporting Year represents the estimated number of MW that need to be online on average throughout the reporting period to meet the RPS requirement within each state. For example, New Jersey needs approximately 255 MW online for the entire 2011 reporting year to meet the RPS requirement. Additionally, the data presented above does not include projects that are in the pipeline or currently going through the registration process in each state program. This data represents specifically the projects that have been approved for the corresponding state SREC markets as of the dates noted.


Solar Thermal SRECs in DC – Update

Posted April 12th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

Recent legislation passed by the council of the District of Columbia now allows non-residential solar thermal systems to be registered to produce DC SRECs. Under the new legislation non-residential systems must be SRCC OG-100 certified. The legislation went into effect on March 12, 2011 and will expire on October 23, 2011. Previously the District only accepted SRECs from residential SRCC OG-300 certified solar thermal systems.

The new legislation has the following requirements for solar thermal systems:

Solar thermal non-residential systems producing or displacing more than 10,000 kW-hrs per year must be SRCC OG-100 certified and the annual energy output must be determined by an onsite OIML compliant meter.

Solar thermal non-residential systems producing or displacing 10,000 kW-hrs or less per year must be SRCC OG-100 certified and their annual energy output can be determined by the SRCC OG-300 performance rating protocol OR by an onsite OIML compliant meter.

Residential SRCC OG-300 certified solar thermal systems are not affected by this legislation and can continue to be registered in DC.

Given the current supply dynamics of the DC SREC market, this legislation will continue to provide more supply to the oversubscribed program. While SREC prices could continue to decline in the near term, it may be beneficial for solar thermal system owners, previously not eligible for the DC market, to register and receive certification as an option for potential SREC liquidity.

For an update on the current capacity certified to produce DC SRECs see the SRECTrade SREC Markets Report: March 2011.

Additionally, the Distributed Generation Amendment Act of 2011, could have a positive impact on the oversupplied DC SREC market. The legislation is still pending and details associated with the cut off date for grandfathering in out of state DC registered systems are still unknown. SRECTrade will continue to monitor this piece of legislation and provide additional information as it becomes available. For more background on the proposed amendment see these blog posts:

Could Change Be Coming to Washington DC’s SREC Market?

DC Bill Introduced to Limit Out-of-State Facilities

For information on registering a solar thermal system directly with DC Public Services Commission see this page, or consider registering through SRECTrade’s EasyREC service.


Solar Capacity in the SREC States – March 2011

Posted April 4th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

SRECTrade SREC Markets Report: March 2011

The following post outlines the megawatts of solar capacity certified and/or registered to create SRECs in the SREC markets SRECTrade currently serves.

Summary JPEG

PJM Eligible Systems

As of the end of March, there were 13,888 solar PV (13,634) and solar thermal (254) systems registered and eligible to create SRECs in the PJM Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS) registry. Of these eligible systems, 46 (0.33%) have a nameplate capacity of 1 megawatt or greater, of which only 3 systems are greater than 5 MW. The largest system, currently located in Ohio, is 12 MW,  and the second largest, located in Chicago and eligible for the PA, DC, and MD markets, is 10 MW. The third largest system, located in NJ, is 5.6 MW.

Massachusetts DOER Qualified Projects

As of March 16, 2011, there were 337 MA DOER qualified solar projects; 314 operational and 23 not operational. Of these qualified systems, 11 (3.3%) have a nameplate capacity of 1 megawatt or greater, of which only 3 are between 1.5 and 2 MW. Two of the projects greater than 1 MW are currently operational.

Capacity Summary By State

The tables above demonstrate the capacity breakout by state. Note, that for all PJM GATS registered projects, each state includes all projects certified to sell into that state. State RPS programs that allow for systems sited in other states to participate have been broken up by systems sited in state and out of state. Additional detail has been provided to demonstrate the total capacity of systems only certified for one specific state market versus being certified for multiple state markets. For example, PA includes projects only certified to sell into the PA SREC market, broken out by in state and out of state systems, as well as projects that are also certified to sell into PA and Other State markets broken out by in state and out of state systems (i.e. OH, DC, MD, DE, NJ). PA Out of State includes systems sited in states with their own state SREC market (i.e. DE) as well as systems sited in states that have no SREC market (i.e. VA). Also, it is important to note that the Current Capacity represents the total megawatts eligible to produce and sell SRECs as of the noted date, while the Estimated Required Capacity – Current and Next Reporting Year represents the estimated number of MW that need to be online on average throughout the reporting period to meet the RPS requirement within each state. For example, New Jersey needs approximately 255 MW online for the entire 2011 reporting year to meet the RPS requirement. Additionally, the data presented above does not include projects that are in the pipeline or currently going through the registration process in each state program. This data represents specifically the projects that have been approved for the corresponding state SREC markets as of the dates noted.


SRECTrade’s unique Massachusetts aggregation fosters individual control and market diversity

Posted March 30th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

A key (and unique) benefit of the SRECTrade aggregation in Massachusetts is that all facilities produce their own SRECs and can track and control them online. SRECs are created each quarter at a rate of 1 SREC per 1,000 kWh and tagged to each individual facility in the SRECTrade aggregation. Any remainder is then carried forward and added to the generation for the next quarter.

One of the fundamental components of any successful market is diversity of sellers and buyers. The market-based platform that SRECTrade has designed relies on this diversity. In Massachusetts, SRECTrade manages the largest aggregation in the state’s SREC program. One of the key selling points of the SRECTrade aggregation over others is the individual facility’s ownership of SRECs. Unlike other aggregations where the generation of multiple facilities are combined to create “shared” SRECs in NEPOOL GIS, SRECTrade takes additional steps to ensure that each facility has its own separate SREC account in NEPOOL GIS.

By way of background, there are 3 types of entities that make up the SREC ecosystem in Massachusetts. The Mass CEC Production Tracking System (PTS) is responsible for verifying readings and transferring them to the SREC tracking registry. NEPOOL GIS is the SREC tracking registry that every aggregation will use to track and trade SRECs in the market. In addition to providing a market functionality, SRECTrade offers an aggregation service, known as EasyREC, that gives individual solar facilities access to their SRECs and the market in one online account on Verification (PTS), tracking (NEPOOL) and trading (SRECTrade) make these markets work.

Prior to the SREC program in Massachusetts, a similar structure was used for the Class I REC market dominated by wind and other non-solar renewables. A major difference between the Class I REC market and the SREC market is the value per certificate. Class I RECs trade around $10/REC, while SRECs could be anywhere from $300 to $600/SREC. Since the value (and variability) of the Class I REC market is so insignificant, the existing aggregation model was simplified to combine the generation of all the facilities in an aggregation into one REC account. When this happens, the RECs are only tagged to the aggregation and not to any individual facility. This doesn’t work for SRECs since the value is so much greater and individual ownership is therefore much more important.

The problem with the existing model at the implementation of the Massachusetts SREC program was that it limited the diversity of sellers. All the SRECs created by an aggregation would be tagged to the aggregation and not-differentiated. It also created complexity around accountability in the SREC market, where a buyer who purchases from an aggregation will have no way of verifying what facility the SREC comes from and where that facility is located (though PTS does account for this at the generation level). From the standpoint of SRECTrade, it would not be possible to operate a fair and competitive market if the SRECTrade aggregation lumped all of its customers’ generation together to create one large batch of SRECs. The resulting market on would include a couple smaller aggregations and one large seller representing all of SRECTrade’s aggregation. Facility owners would lose control over when, where and how much the SRECs were sold for in the market.

Fortunately, SRECTrade was able to work with the DOER, NEPOOL and PTS to implement a solution that allowed individual facilities to have their own listings in NEPOOL GIS. Their flexibility in allowing aggregations to report for individual facilities meant that any generation reported by a facility to PTS is sent directly to that facility’s record in NEPOOL GIS each quarter, where the SRECs are created for the facility. Since SRECs are created for every 1,000 kWh, any remainder is then carried forward and added to the next quarter. The screenshot of an online account on is a good example of how SRECs are created and the remaining generation is carried forward.

In establishing individual facility ownership of SRECs, SRECTrade has successfully created a diverse platform that gives sellers the control over, and accountability for, their own SRECs in the market. Without this diversity, the open, public and fair market platform would not exist and facility owners would be limited to the options provided by a small group of non-transparent aggregators – a throwback to the early years of the New Jersey SREC programs when the early aggregators could make as much as 40% on trades behind closed doors. Fortunately, the advent of the public SREC markets have transferred much of the SREC value back to the facility owners where it belongs.

Governor Christie throws support behind NJ SREC program

Posted March 18th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

Many wondered what might happen to the New Jersey SREC program when the state Governor’s office shifted into Republican control. Since taking over, Governor Christie has initiated a review of all the state renewable programs to understand the effect they have on ratepayer costs. SRECs make up such a small percentage of the overall electricity market, that the cost increases should be relatively minor across the ratepayer base. Furthermore, as a cornerstone of the solar industry in New Jersey, the impact that the SREC program has had on the growth of investment and jobs in the Garden State will likely overshadow any nominal increase in electricity rates.

To this effect, New Jersey has out-distanced every other state in the region, particularly in establishing an SREC market that can support an industry – not a few utility scale solar projects. The primary driver of this success has been the emphasis on smaller, distributed projects and accessibility to a market of buyers. In the early years of the SREC market, New Jersey had a cap of 2 MW, limiting the size of any single entrant in the market and ensuring that many stakeholders could benefit from the program. This is in stark contrast to a state like Ohio, where the SREC program has been tripped up out of the gates by large projects that have cornered the market for SRECs.

The divergent stories of AEP and FirstEnergy in Ohio demonstrate a perverse incentive set up by a poorly designed SREC program. With no cap on the size of projects eligible for the SREC market in Ohio, AEP chose to make plans for utility scale projects. The first was a 10 MW project in Upper Sandusky Ohio and the next project is slated for 50 MW by 2015 in southeastern Ohio. Meanwhile, FirstEnergy chose not to develop these utility scale projects in favor of sourcing SRECs from the in-state solar industry. The RFPs (requests for proposal) they issued with the help of Navigant Consulting were ineffective and at the end of the year FirstEnergy was unable to find any supply of SRECs. In their request to the Ohio Public Utilities Commission to be relieved of their SREC obligation in 2010 due to a shortage of supply, FirstEnergy accurately cited that AEP was successful in sourcing SRECs because it went with utility scale projects, whereas FirstEnergy attempted to purchase from distributed projects. The problem in Ohio with SRECs is that a robust market for spot transactions or bilateral contracts was not developed early on because a few utility scale projects corner most of the market, while the rest of it is made inaccessible by bureaucratic RFPs that just don’t cut it in a burgeoning solar industry filled with startup entrants.

This is where New Jersey has been successful. Since the beginning, the SREC market was established in a way that made it accessible to homeowners and businesses, local installers and upstart developers. The New Jersey Office of Clean Energy has meticulously reported statistics on a monthly basis of how many SRECs are created, traded and the prices at which they are trading. Combined with the knowledge that the market was secure from the threat of utility scale entrants, the installation companies and solar development firms that entered the industry were able to make informed decisions that ultimately led to investments in solar. This is why New Jersey has a legitimate solar industry with a diverse group of entrants that will eventually be self-sustaining as the cost of solar continues to come down. Governor Christie gets this.

In the passing of AB 2529, a New Jersey Bill that would expand the eligibility of the SREC program, the Governor rejected a change that would allow utility scale projects to bypass the scrutiny of the BPU in being accepted into the SREC program. As the New Jersey market stands, a utility scale project can be accepted into the SREC program only if the BPU deems that it will not have an adverse impact on pricing in the SREC market.  This Bill would have created an exception to that rule that could have jeopardized the SREC market. Governor Christie writes:

Accordingly, I recommend that this exception be eliminated. I am concerned about the impact that these solar facilities may have on ratepayers, the impacts these facilities may have on the solar power and SREC market and, the impact these facilities may have on the land use. The role of the BPU and DEP is vital in determining the impacts that large scale solar facility projects will have in New Jersey and should not be by-passed.

This is a major vote of confidence in Governor Christie’s support of using the SREC market as a cornerstone for building a solar industry in New Jersey. It demonstrates that he sees the value of protecting this market for the entrepreneurs and small businesses that have made a living on solar in New Jersey. Many of those businesses have taken their expertise into other markets, creating more opportunities in nearby states. As a result of the SREC program, the state has created opportunities for its solar-smart residents both at home in New Jersey and beyond the state line.

How long will projects be eligible for the Massachusetts Solar Carve-Out?

Posted March 16th, 2011 by SRECTrade.

Understanding the length of time that Massachusetts solar facilities can generate and sell SRECs as part of the Solar Carve-Out is key to financing solar in the state. In an earlier post, we explained the Massachusetts Last-Chance Auction in great detail. The purpose was to help stakeholders understand the conditions, if any, that would result in the SREC market dropping below $285. From there, it is also important to understand how long a facility can bank on the floor price set by the auction.

The Opt-In Term is the length of time a facility is eligible for the Last-Chance Auction
There are a few misconceptions regarding the “10-year” Opt-In Term and the 400 MW Minimum Standard Cap. For example, it might seem that the program is slated to last 10 years or until it reaches 400 MW, after which the SRECs go away. This is most definitely NOT true. The Opt-In Term actually represents the length of time that a facility that is approved for the SREC program can opt into the Last-Chance Auction, i.e. the amount of time a facility is guaranteed a floor price in the market. Once a facility is approved, this term cannot be changed – though the Opt-In Term for future projects may be adjusted by the DOER (see below).

The 400 MW Cap is a limit to the amount that will be approved for the Solar Carve-Out
Meanwhile, the 400 MW cap is actually just a limit to the capacity of projects that can be eligible for the Solar Carve-Out. The 400th MW approved for the SREC program will be eligible for the full-length of the published Opt-In Term. This means that if Massachusetts reaches 400 MW in 2015 and the Opt-In Term is still 10 years, then the Solar Carve-Out will fade out in 2025. In simple terms: the state will accept 400 MWs into the program and every accepted facility will be guaranteed a floor of $285 for “X years” from the time it is installed. “X years” will vary based on the Opt-In Term established in the year of installation.

The Opt-In Term may change for future projects
Today, the Opt-In Term is 10 years and that will not change for any existing projects. However, every year, the DOER may make a change to the Opt-In Term for NEW facilities based on the results of the last-chance auction. If there is an oversupply, then the Opt-In Term may be decreased by as much as 2 years to a minimum of 5 until 2017, and a minimum of zero thereafter. If there is a shortage, the Opt-In Term may be increased to a maximum of 10 years.

The Solar Carve-Out expires when the Opt-In Term ends for the final project approved under the 400 MW Cap
Finally, facilities can continue to sell SRECs after the Opt-In Term as long as the Solar Carve-Out program is still in place. The only difference is that those facilities will no longer be eligible for the Last-Chance Auction and therefore are not supported by the $285 floor price. The Solar Carve-Out will expire after the Opt-In Term for the final project registered under the 400 MW Cap has concluded AND all remaining SRECs created during that time have either been sold or expired. After this time, all facilities will be transferred to the RPS Class I REC market (which by that time could be worth very little).

Here are the key paragraphs taken from the DOER Solar Carve Out website worth reading carefully:

Minimum Standard Cap and Termination of the Program
The Minimum Standard is capped at 455,520 MWh (sufficient to enable the installation of approximately 400 MW of solar PV). When DOER qualifies 400 MW of solar for the program, qualification of all additional solar installations is transferred to the RPS Class I Program. Once the cap has been met, the Minimum Standard for the RPS Solar Carve-Out will be set annually per regulation to maintain market balance. The RPS Solar Carve-Out program remains in effect until all the Auction Opt-In Terms of the qualified projects and the full shelf-life years of any Re-Minted Auction SRECs have both expired, thereby maintaining the price certainty promised to all solar generators. For the year after the final Compliance Year, when the Solar Carve-Out Minimum Standard is set to zero SRECs shall cease to exist, and all generation from qualified Solar Carve-Out Renewable Generation Units shall produce RPS Class I Renewable Energy Attributes.

Opt-In Term
The Auction Opt-­In Term is defined as the number of years (expressed in calendar quarters) that a project is eligible to deposit SRECs into the Solar Credit Clearinghouse Auction Account. For all projects qualified in 2010, this is set at 10 years, or 40 quarters. Any SRECs generated in this span of 40 quarters will be eligible to participate in an auction that will potentially be held each July, where they will be assured a price of $300/MWh for their SRECs (minus a $15 auction fee assessed by DOER). This mechanism sets a floor price for SRECs and gives projects long-­term price assurance should they be unable to sell them directly to LSEs or there be an oversupply of SRECs. Once a project’s Opt-In Term has expired, its owner may continue to sell their SRECs until the program officially ends, but will not have the price assurance guaranteed by the ability to Opt-­In to the auction.

Adjustments to Auction Opt-In Term
Long Market (SREC Oversupply) Adjustment: The Auction Opt-In Term is reduced by 4 quarters for each full 10% of the year’s Compliance Obligation that is deposited into the Auction Account. The maximum reduction per annual adjustment is two years. The minimum Auction Opt-In Term is 20 quarters or 5 years for the first 7 years of the program (through Compliance Year 2016). After that time, the minimum term is reduced to zero years, unless otherwise set by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER). Short Market (SREC Shortage) Adjustment: The Auction Opt-In Term is increased by 4 quarters for each full 10% of the year’s Compliance Obligation that is met through Alternative Compliance Payments. The maximum reduction per annual adjustment is two years. The maximum Opt-In Term is 40 quarters.

In conclusion, we will monitor the Opt-In Term as it is published each year by the DOER. The term will not change for existing projects once established, but it will impact new projects. Solar developers should consider this as they do project finance for facilities that may not be completed this year. Given the shortage in the SREC market in 2010, we do not foresee any changes to the Opt-In Term in 2011.

SRECTrade continues to offer long-term Fixed-Price and Upfront SREC payments for solar projects in Massachusetts.
