Archive for the ‘SREC Markets’ Category

New Jersey Renewable Portfolio Standard Solar Details

Posted November 10th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

New Jersey RPS solar requirement and SREC information:

Pennsylvania Renewable Porfolio Standard Solar Details

Posted November 10th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

Pennsylvania RPS solar requirement and SREC information:

PA SRECs begin accruing at time of application for new facilities

Posted November 9th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

If PA is the first state you are registering SRECs in, then you will want to apply for PA certification as soon as possible… Unlike some other states, the Pennsylvania SREC program (also known as AEP Program) will not count SRECs generated at the time of installation or interconnection. SRECs will only be credited from the time of application to the PA program. However, if your system has already been registered in another state, any SRECs that are generated in that state will have the PA certification applied to them, so this will not apply to your SRECs. The PA AEPS  now requests a meter reading at the time of application so that it can use that reading as the starting point of your SREC generation.

To apply to the PA program as an EasyREC customer, please complete the PA SREC certification forms.  All other users can refer to our guide on applying for PA certification here.

NJ SREC prices relative to the SACP

Posted November 5th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

We often get questions from customers asking why New Jersey SRECs were trading at $675 for most of the early part f this year, but have since dropped.  The primary driver of this change is that we are now in the 2010 energy year in New Jersey. As of June 1, 2009, all SRECs created are 2010 SRECs. The $675 price we saw in previous months was for 2009 SRECs (through May 31, 2009). The $675 price represented 95% of the $711 2009 solar alternative compliance payment (SACP), which is what utilities pay for the SRECs they can’t collect.  You will see that the $660 price that we’ve seen for 2010 SRECs is actually consistent with pricing earlier this year.  This time the SACP is $693 for 2010 SRECs, however the new price of $660 still represents 95% of the SACP. The chart below tracks how our NJ auction history has performed compared to the SACP; the theoretical ceiling price for SRECs.

NJ SREC Pricing Relative to SACP

DC SREC Market Eligibility

Posted November 4th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

Solar owners in the following states can register and sell into the DC SREC market:

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
West Virginia

Check our DC State Eligibility post for more information. For detailed instructions on how to apply, go to the DC Certification Blog Post.

DC SREC State Certification Instructions

Posted November 4th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

For EasyREC customers:
If you have signed up for the EasyREC service, we will do the DC State Certification on your behalf.  Please complete our EasyREC registration forms to get started. Please fax the forms to SRECTrade at (732) 453-0065.

To learn more about EasyREC go to:

Eligibility for SREC certification in DC:
DC allows systems from states in the PJM region and those that are adjacent to the region and capable of supplying electricity into the region. Solar systems in the following states have been approved for the DC SREC market (find out more here):

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
West Virginia

Registration Process for NON-EasyREC customers:
The DC registration process requires an original and notarized application mailed directly to the DC Public Service Commission.  If you would like to register your system in DC, please follow these guidelines to complete the appropriate forms:

For Non-EasyREC customers:
If you currently have a facility certified in another state (ie. MD, DE, NJ, or PA), download and complete this form.
If you do not have a facility certified in another state (ie. DC, VA, WV, TN, NC, KY) use this form.

Once you have completed the application and had the affidavit of general compliance notarized, mail the original to:

Dorothy Wideman
Commission Secretary
Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia
1333 H Street, N.W
2nd Floor West Tower
Washington, D.C. 20005

The DC registration process is currently taking approximately 10-12 weeks to complete.  Once approved, Washington DC will mail a letter to you with your facilities state certification number.

PA Certification now available via EasyREC

Posted November 4th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

Anyone within the PJM region can be certified in Pennsylvania.  If this is the first state you are getting certified in, the PUC has instructed the program manager to only count SRECs generated after the date of application.  Therefore, it is imperative that you apply as soon as possible.  If you have previously been certified in another state, your SRECs will all have the PA certification applied to them when you are approved. If you are an EasyREC customer already, simply fill out the PA State Certification Forms. If you have not signed up for EasyREC, you will also need to complete the EasyREC forms.  Please feel free to contact us at

Final sale for 2009 NJ SRECs

Posted September 18th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

The true-up period for purchasing 2009 New Jersey SRECs ends 9/30/09.  This means that buyers will only be purchasing these SRECs (generation prior to June 1, 2009) through the end of the month. Our next auction is on October 2nd and will not include any 2009 NJ SRECs. However, we will arrange a special sale for any remaining 2009 SRECs before the end of September.  Please contact us at 877-466-4606 if you still have 2009 NJ SRECs.

SRECTrade to offer long-term SREC contracts in New Jersey

Posted September 8th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

As the New Jersey market grows, the need to secure streams of SRECs over the course of the next few years is becoming increasingly important. We are often approached about long-term contracts by sellers interested in securing a fixed price. In the past, this option was not appealing because it lacked the flexibility that the spot market provided when SREC values soared. The spot market on SRECTrade has provided a valuable resource for selling SRECs on the short-term, however, we are now looking forward to providing an additional option for all sellers on SRECTrade.

The ultimate goal with this offering is to provide options. We are working with buyers to offer different contracts at fair prices, right next to same spot market that many flocked to in order to avoid unfair long-term contracts. We hope the existence of options and choice will ultimately create a vibrant market for SRECs at SRECTrade.

If you are interested in the long-term SREC contracts, please feel free to email us at

Sustainable Energy Fund grant opportunity in Pennsylvania

Posted September 4th, 2009 by SRECTrade.

Sustainable Energy Fund, a Lehigh Valley-based non-profit organization that invests in renewable energy projects, energy efficiency projects, and energy education initiatives, announces a limited-time grant opportunity for small businesses in PA.  Must be within the PPL Electric Utilities territory, and if the project yields at least a measurable 15% increase in energy efficiency, a business may be eligible for up to $20,000.  Only one grant may be submitted per contractor or grant-seeking entity. Retrofits of existing buildings, ventilation systems, windows, automated control systems, lighting, or deployment of renewable energy technologies.

To view the entire program qualifications and eligiblilty, or to download an application, please visit