Posts Tagged ‘solar alternative compliance payment’

Maryland follows New Jersey and raises RPS levels

Posted May 17th, 2010 by SRECTrade.

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has said he will sign into law a new Renewable Portfolio Standard that increases the Alternative Compliance Payments (ACP) due if utilities don’t buy enough SRECs. Higher ACPs support higher SREC prices which in turn encourage more solar development.

While rebate programs have proven unreliable as state budgets are stained, SREC programs have proven to be a stable incentive for solar. New Jersey recently suspended their solar rebate program but has increased their ACP levels and the percentage of solar electricity required three times. Maryland is following suit, increasing the ACP to $400 through 2014 and slowing the pace that they lower ACP.

Compare the old and new Maryland RPS:

Year Solar RPS % Old ACP New ACP
2009 0.01% $400
2010 0.025% $400 $400
2011 0.05% $350 $400
2012 0.10% $350 $400
2013 0.20% $300 $400
2014 0.30% $300 $400
2015 0.40% $250 $350
2016 0.50% $250 $350
2017 0.55% $200 $200
2018 0.90% $200 $200
2019 1.20% $150 $150
2020 1.50% $150 $150
2021 1.85% $100 $100
2022 2.00% $100 $100
2023 2.00% $50

Solar Alternative Compliance Payment (SACP)

Posted July 22nd, 2009 by SRECTrade.

The Solar Alternative Compliance Payment (SACP) is the amount that Load Serving Entities (LSEs), i.e. electricity suppliers, must pay per MWh of solar electricity that they are unable to generate themselves or buy rights to through SREC purchases in order to meet the state Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) solar requirement. Find out more about future RPS and SACP values from your state page on our SREC Program Information page.

An LSE is better off buying SRECs as long as the price is less than the SACP.  However, LSEs incur costs in purchasing SRECs, so the maximum price they are willing to pay may actually be well below the SACP. For instance, if a utility calculates that the cost to purchase an SREC is $40, they may not be willing to pay more than $40 less than the SACP. At that price, they can save money by simply paying the SACP.

Of course, while the SACP is fixed in any given year, the price of SRECs varies based on the market forces of supply and demand.  Find out more about this on our SREC Program Information page.